
Heat up your vegetable stew with this jerk-style vegetarian recipe spiced with sriracha sauce.Read more
The sweetness of beets lends itself to a great pickle. Try these simple pickled beets.Read more
Sauerkraut is easy to make and once you've made your own delicious batch, you'll find there are so many ways to enjoy it.Read more
The portobello is perfect for smoking on the grill. Its porousness allows it to absorb and intensify the smoky flavors.Read more
Marinated tofu, smoked slowly on the grill makes a wonderful "burger" and is tasty in soups and salads, too.Read more
Going vegan doesn't mean giving up a creamy sauce over some tender biscuits. Serve with a tofu scramble and tempeh bacon.Read more
You may never look at cauliflower in quite the same way again; try this brightly flavored cauliflower "couscous!"Read more
Pair these lentils with cooked brown rice for a hearty vegetarian meal or serve with fresh pita bread as an appetizer.Read more
Try this simple, seasonal, healthy smoothie.Read more
Not your conventional smoothie, kiwi, avocado and spinach give this drink a pleasing green hue and sensational flavor.Read more
